Friday, April 6, 2012

MIN Finale!

Da-da-daaaa! LAST MIN! Going to open jars in 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2---------1! Going to go open jars now!
Whoa... Squishy. Like a stress ball. Weird. There's no shell. Maybe the vinegar had a chemical reaction with the shell, and took it (with the coloring) off. There was brown stuff on top of the vinegar, brown like when you burn your bologna. Anyways, there was the yolk and something else (I don't know what) floating in the egg. By the way, when I moved it from my hutch to the table, I saw #3 sink. Then, as soon as I unscrewed the lids, they   quickly rose. Quickly, as in zoom. Anyways, er, here. I can turn it into a creepy movie:

I took the jars, one by one, to the sink. Carefully, (so the egg wouldn't go splat) I poured out the vinegar, then rinsed off the eggs. Then I dried them, and took them, one by one, to the examining table. (Da-da-daaaa) They were each 6 inches wide (except #3, which was 6 1/2 inches) and 7 inches tall. (Da-da-daaaa) Then I connected some wires to them, and said the magic words: Ice cream pop, jelly bean, if you don't come alive, I'm gonna scream. Then they rose from the table and ran off into the night. (Da-da-daaaa)*
The End
*= OK, so for all of you who are rolling their eyes at the end of this story, I have to say, OK, that didn't happen. But I said it was creepy, OK?

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