Friday, June 1, 2012


we have a visitor. his name is luna. luna moth. here's his pictures.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


i am on a sleepover today with my best friend puffball wright; the kitty and another best friend. I am still here and typing in my blog while my best friend and my best friend's brother play tic-tac-toe. this is awesome!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


What You Need:    2 color pencils, preferably yellow and red, colors that will mix; a piece of paper
Ready... Set... Put the piece of paper on your desk or table and...
GO! Use one color pencil and write a message. It could be a picture or words... even a secret code! I just put hi. Anyways, you color over that with the second pencil, like this:

WARNING: Use color pencils, not markers, only. Markers will just cover it up.

Monday, April 23, 2012


If you blew me up with air, would I: A blow away or B float? I mean, how much air can you put in a person?

Friday, April 20, 2012

potato man

At least he's a healthy eater! He's eating a piece that fell off of himself... a potato! Hahaha! P.S. Do you have to have a good garden in order to grow potatoes, or can you grow them inside? I know there are those things that you can grow tomatoes upside down, so can you do that with potatoes?
JuliaP, 123

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Hey, question. When a deciduous tree loses it's leaves for the winter, why doesn't the chlorophyll either go away with the leaves ant rot (or dissolve, or whatever it does), or rot in the tree (where I think the chlorophyll is stored)? How come it's right back again in the spring? Doesn't it get old and rotten by then, like any kind of nutrition would (except water and stuff and cans)? Wait. I just thought of something when I typed that. Is the tree like a tin can? But it's not tin... wouldn't the chlorophyll leak out of the tree bark? You know how when you touch a pine tree, there's sap on your hands? Do they do that with chlorophyll? Huh. Answer:????????

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2 bee or not 2 bee

Question: I got stung by a bumblebee beefore, (get it?) beecause I stepped on it (stupidly). Here's the question: if I had kept my foot down (obviously I wouldn't), then would the bee keep stinging me until his stinger fell out, and would it take a little while, or would he die right then? It's kinda sad, but I just really want to know. Bzzz!*

Monday, April 16, 2012


Today I played a game called    Drive the Magnets Home. I call it that because I take a stack of strong magnets, and then I use the opposite sides of two magnets to drive them from one side of the room to the other. I also tried to rub a magnet against my finger and move my earring, but that didn't work.

Friday, April 13, 2012

1 sprout, 2 sprout...

Another sprout just came up! Awesome! This one is purple, too. 113 pageviews!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


My little plant I planted has sprouted! The leaves are green, and the stem is g-purple?!?!?!?!?! Purple? Is there any explanation for that? P.S. Thanks for the 109 pageviews!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

thanks everyone!

Thank you, everyone, for making me pass my goal! 101 pageviews! My new goal is 200. Thanks again!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

that's just eggy!

Egg     Width    Height  
1          7 in        7 in
2          6 in        7 in
3        6 1/2 in    7 in

Notes: The eggs are much harder! I think the solutions were the same stuff the real
egg shell was made of, so it helped bring the shell back! Hmm... I wonder what would happen if I left the eggs in for more than 24 hours. I bet the shell would come back! Maybe I'll try it sometime. MENS! (More Eggy News Soon!)

P.S. I wanted to thank all of my followers just for following me, and for making my pageviews go sky high. My goal is 100 pageviews or more. Thanks!
P.P.S. You know how I said "I think the solutions were the same stuff the real egg shell was made of, so it helped bring the shell back!"? Well, I don't know how that would work, because there was three different solutions!

P.P.P.S. By the way, egg 1 is the hardest, egg 2 is a little softer, and egg3 is the softest. Here is a pic:
The grayish one is egg 1, egg 2 is the whitest, and egg 3 is the brown  one.

Monday, April 9, 2012

more eggspirements

1              5 IN             6 IN         DW*        3:26                                    
2            5 1/2 IN         6 IN         SuS*        3:30               *Note: egg color is white, not brown.                      
3              5 IN             6 IN         SS*          3:29                                    

* DW= Distilled Water (2 cup), SuS= Sugar Solution (50 ml corn syrup, 450 ml water), SS= Salt Solution (2 cup water, 2 tablespoons salt).

Saturday, April 7, 2012

i can haz cheezburger?

There's this really funny site, called, and my Dad and I spent hours laughing at them. Going to post some pics from it tomorrow, and the only reason I'm not doing it right now is that my Mom said no, because it's dinner time. Yeah, 9:00 is dinner... dinner. Yum. I'M HUNGRYYYYYYY!

Friday, April 6, 2012


Question: O.K., okay, or OK? Help, OK?

MIN Finale!

Da-da-daaaa! LAST MIN! Going to open jars in 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2---------1! Going to go open jars now!
Whoa... Squishy. Like a stress ball. Weird. There's no shell. Maybe the vinegar had a chemical reaction with the shell, and took it (with the coloring) off. There was brown stuff on top of the vinegar, brown like when you burn your bologna. Anyways, there was the yolk and something else (I don't know what) floating in the egg. By the way, when I moved it from my hutch to the table, I saw #3 sink. Then, as soon as I unscrewed the lids, they   quickly rose. Quickly, as in zoom. Anyways, er, here. I can turn it into a creepy movie:

I took the jars, one by one, to the sink. Carefully, (so the egg wouldn't go splat) I poured out the vinegar, then rinsed off the eggs. Then I dried them, and took them, one by one, to the examining table. (Da-da-daaaa) They were each 6 inches wide (except #3, which was 6 1/2 inches) and 7 inches tall. (Da-da-daaaa) Then I connected some wires to them, and said the magic words: Ice cream pop, jelly bean, if you don't come alive, I'm gonna scream. Then they rose from the table and ran off into the night. (Da-da-daaaa)*
The End
*= OK, so for all of you who are rolling their eyes at the end of this story, I have to say, OK, that didn't happen. But I said it was creepy, OK?

MIN #5

My Dad just told me that the eggs were brown when I first put them in. All of them. Now egg numbers 2 and 3 are white! I wonder if #1 will turn white by the time I get back? Hmm...

MIN #4

P.S. To last MIN. I am going to go to 4-H at 2:30, so I won't be home in time for the real opening. My Mom said the time didn't have to be exact, so I will open it when I get home, at 6. So I will measure the eggs and stuff then. See ya then!
P.S. I am going to have a watermelon rind bowl with my ice cream again. I can only have that with the last piece of watermelon. YUMMY! I will post pic later. Bye!




IMPORTANT INFO! EGG #3 IS ON THE BOTTOM OF THE JAR AS WELL AS EGG #2!!!!!!!!! COOL!!!!!!! oops, I mean cool.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Oh no! Forgot to look at the color of the eggs! Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bread rinds/crust

Do you call the ends of a loaf of bread crust or rinds?

MIN (More Info Now) on eggs

Cool! Last night, egg #3 was not  floating; it was on the bottom. Today, the same thing is happening with egg #2! There is also brown stuff on top (and mixed into) of the foamy stuff. Opening time: Friday the 6th, in the afternoon!
Homeschooling is awesome! I can do experiments like this every day!   YEAAAA!!!!                 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Update on eggs

Update on eggs! There is now foamy stuff on them and on top of the vinegar!  Weird!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

story, puffball?

hey puffball? thought of any ideas for a story yet? it has to be original, and...please.... Don't make it about puffball or any of the larrys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Blog in a Blog

Cheesy Chili

 Yummy! Cheesy Chili with Crackers!

even more egg stuff

Egg   Before Width  Before Height  After Width  After Height
1       5 1/2 inches      6 1/2 inches    ?????????????????????
2      5 1/2 inches      6 1/2 inches     ??????????????????????
3       5 1/2 inches      6 1/2 inches    ???????????????????????

P.S. It is now 3:53 and the eggs are floating! Cool!

more egg stuff

Jar Height Width Put-in-time Vinegar-Measurement
1    61/2 in. 12 in.  3:15          550ML
2    6 1/2 in. 12 in. 3:15          550ML
3    6 1/2 in. 12 in. 3:16          575ML


egg-celent experiment

Going to start my egg-celent experiment. Here is what I'm going to do:
Take three raw eggs
put them in three different jars(with lids)
fill the jars with vinegar
wait for 72 hours
P.S. Before and after your experiment, measure your eggs.
MIS (More Info Soon)

Friday, March 30, 2012

grass person

Does anybody know how blades of grass can stick through nylon? I have a person, made out of nylon, dirt, and grass seed, that has blades of grass for hair! Cool, huh? Can't wait 'till the grass is fully grown!
Even More Yummy Ice Cream! YEAAA!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A very cute baby just rolled over for the first time today!!! Yea! 

ice cream and watermelon

Yum! Anybody know how to make ice cream?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I have a few questions about my quartz stone. I have a quartz stone that I got off a pin, and when I looked through it, it looked like I was looking through a kaleidoscope. Is that what some kaleidoscopes are made out of? Another thing, it is gold, but when the sun hits it it makes rainbows. I thought only the colors of light that are the same as the thing it is passing through will go through it, but if that's true, how could it make rainbows when it comes out of the quartz? Anybody have an answer?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Bee-u-ti-full day! It's SPRING!!! YAAAYYYY!!!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hi Puffball the kitty

This is a special post: Hello to Puffball The Kitty!


No title

It is beautiful out side today. Well, was. It is night now, as you can see. It barely is any cooler. I was thinking, when the sun shines other side of the world, is it not, like, below freezing because of the very hot inner core of the earth, and the sun's heat goes through the earth?

My Science

From now on I am going to write about my science thoughts for that day!